Assonance Examples

Have you ever read a poem or heard a song where the words seem to bounce off each other, creating a musical rhythm, even without rhyming? You can thank assonance for that! No, assonance isn’t a complicated spell—it’s a poetic device that repeats vowel sounds within words to create a pleasing, echo-like effect. It’s subtle, but once you spot it, you’ll realize how much it adds to the flow of language.

What are Allusions in Poetry

Ever read a poem and felt like the poet was whispering some inside joke or reference you didn’t quite catch? Chances are, you just ran into an allusion. Don’t worry—it’s not as mysterious as it sounds. An allusion is simply when a poet (or any writer, really) drops a quick reference to something or someone well-known. This could be a nod to a famous book, a historical event, a myth, or even pop culture. It’s like giving the reader a wink and saying, “You know what I’m talking about, right?”

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