King Arthur—the name instantly conjures up images of knights in shining armor, mysterious wizards, and epic quests. He’s one of the most famous
Sophocles’ King Oedipus
When it comes to Greek tragedy, few plays are as jaw-droppingly dramatic as Sophocles’ King Oedipus (also known as Oedipus Rex). Imagine a murder mystery
Trojan War Story: Who Fought and Who Won
If you’ve ever heard the phrase “Beware of Greeks bearing gifts,” you’ve already got a taste of the Trojan War—one of the most famous conflicts in Greek
Achilles vs Hector in Troy
When it comes to epic showdowns in ancient history, nothing quite beats the Achilles vs Hector fight at the gates of Troy
The Iliad and The Odyssey by Homer Summary
Homer’s The Iliad and The Odyssey are more than just epic poems—they’re timeless adventures that explore the heights of glory
The Greek Chorus: Its Evolution and Role in Tragedy and Comedy
The Greek chorus—the original group chat of ancient drama! Whether they were whispering warnings, echoing public sentiment
Aeschylus’ Oresteia: The Birth of Justice in Greek Drama
Aeschylus’ Oresteia isn’t just the tale of a cursed family—it’s a deep exploration of justice, revenge, and the birth of the legal system
Aristophanes and the Role of Satire in Ancient Greece
Known as the “Father of Comedy,” Aristophanes brought ancient Athens roaring with laughter through his satirical plays that spared no one
The Rise of Tragedy: Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides in Ancient Greek Drama
The ancient Greeks didn’t just invent democracy, philosophy, and the Olympics—they also knew how to throw a mean tragic play